Crones, Hags & Elder Wise Women of Power Summit 2024

Phyllis Curott

World Needs Witches' Wisdom

Phyllis Curott, is one of America’s first public Wiccan Priestesses, whose international best-selling books have been published in 14 languages, making her the most widely published Wiccan author.

An outspoken attorney and advocate, she consulted on groundbreaking cases securing the legal rights of Witches, including cases of child custody, religious assembly, expression, and free speech. Phyllis was the first Wiccan Trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, and was elected Vice Chair of the 2015 Parliament, creating the Women’s Assembly, and served as the Program Chair for the historic 2021 Parliament attended by Patriarch Bartholomew of the Eastern Orthodox Church and blessed by Pope Francis, as well as the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago.

Free Gift: 

Waning Moon Crone's Spell to Release and Transform:The Waning Moon is the sickle crescent that harvests. It’s the time to release, to banish, to end that which no longer serves your life. The power of the Waning Sickle Moon is wielded by the Crone Goddesses, most famously by Hecate. She is a chthonic (Earth) deity who stands at the crossroads of life, so cast this spell and make the changes you need to let go of the past and to move ahead with wisdom.
Click here to access.

Item to Purchase:  

Monthly Journeying Circle: 
Journeying is one of the most ancient, universal, and powerful shamanic techniques for gaining access to Spirit realms, "non-ordinary reality," and much more. The form we use in the Tradition of Ara comes from core shamanism, an essential and universal practice without a cultural overlay. It frees us from cultural appropriation and means you can add cultural specifics that are appropriate for you.  Shamanic consciousness is a capacity that's been part of you since birth. Whether you've been journeying for years or are just starting, join Phyllis in learning, expanding and cultivating your shamanic abilities. You'll master and expand upon the fundamentals of journeying, receive your power animal or spirit guide, and work with spirit beings to achieve healing, wisdom, power, and other blessings. And you'll journey to help others and Mother Earth.
Click here to access.

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This session is available to watch for FREE for 48 hours. After that time it will ONLY be available if you've purchased the upgrade package.

VIDEO Recordings of EVERY single session in the Crones, Hags & Elder Wise Women of Power Summit 2024 Collection. ($1247 value)
VIDEO Recordings of EVERY single session in the Crones, Hags & Elder Wise Women of Power Summit 2024 Collection. ($1247 value).

AUDIO Recordings
of EVERY single session in the Crones, Hags & Elder Wise Women of Power ($1247 value).

Full TRANSCRIPTIONS of EVERY single session in the Crones, Hags & Elder Wise Women of Power Summit 2024 Collection ($1247 value).

EXCLUSIVE LIVE discussion with host Crone Circle Leader Alison Palmer PhD ($397 value).

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Full Circle Women

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Magnificent Menopause Collection

VIDEO Recordings of EVERY single session in the Magnificent Menopause Summit 2024 Collection. ($1247 value)

VIDEO Recordings of EVERY single session in the Magnificent Menopause Summit 2024 Collection. ($1247 value)

AUDIO Recordings of EVERY single session in the Magnificent Menopause Summit 2024 Collection. ($1247 value)

EXCLUSIVE 2 Post -Summit LIVE Discussion Circles with Host Dr. Alison Palmer  ($397 value)

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