Crones, Hags &
Elder Wise Women of Power 

 Summit 2023 

Reclaim & Celebrate the Power of Your Elder Wise Woman 

31+ incredible FREE sessions connecting you to the power of Elder Wise Women's Wisdom for change
and healing.

ANTLER Shaman Weaver of Forests © Carolyn Hillyer / 

Join the Sacred Circle of Elder Wise Women as we reclaim our power & wisdom contributions. 

September 28-October 4

"Crone ... the most dangerous, the most radical, the most revolutionary woman in existence."
(Clarissa Pinkola Estes)

Meet Our Powerful Wise Women 

Acharya Shunya

Adrien Blackwell

Cara Gardner

Dr Cari Jackson

Carolyn Hillyer

Cathy Skipper

Christa Mackinnon

Eimear Burke

Elayne Kalila

Eliana Harvey

Ellen Meredith

Evelyn Rysdyk

HeatherAsh Amara

Janet Stanley

Jody Day

Dr Karen Ward 

Kelly Isola

Kris Steinnes 

Marcela Lobos

Marla Durden

Michelle MacEwan

Nina Amir

Peggy Black

Phyllis Curott

Robin H Lysne PhD

Robin Rose Bennett

Robin Tillotson

Dr Rosita Arvigo 

Sarah McCrum

Suzanne Anderson

T. Kari Mitchell

Terry Morgan

Vanessa Gonzalez Codorniu


Crone Alison Palmer PhD

Founder, FullCircleWomen

Join this FREE AMAZING series,
Crones, Hags & Elder Wise Women of Power Summit 2023

This is just some of what you'll get from the series ...

RECLAIM your unique power as an Elder Wise Woman and celebrate all your amazingness in this incredible period of your life.

Embrace the power of the elders in Ancient European Shamanic Traditions.

Take the Journey of Ancestral Remembering and re-connect to your own essential Belongingness to the Earth.

Dive into the archetypes and myths of the Celtic and Gaelic goddesses and women.

Learn how Crones can disarm the power of the patriarchy that for centuries has denigrated post-menopausal women.

Explore how the Alchemy of Menopause can transform your menopause and post-menopause experiences.

Learn how the Celtic Festivals and the wise Crone Cailleach offer you guidance in these powerful years.

Discover the Wisdom of your Body's Energies and how to listen to her guidance ! 

Connect to your embodied wisdom, wholeness and presence with Black Moon Lilith.

Explore how Elderhood without Motherhood invites us ALL to create new support systems for us as we age.

Re-claim and re-empower the ancient Crone and Hag and learn how to Travel the Songs of the Hag Road.
Explore the power of women's circles, sacred and ancient archetypes and reclaim your sovereignty.

Find your voice and your unique empowering contribution as we create new herstories and legacy with love and compassion to unpick centuries of white, patriarchal oppression.

Join us in this Sacred Circle as we come together to share wisdom from these incredible Elder Wise Women.

Here's a taster of some of our unmissable sessions ...

Phyllis Curott brings us the wisdom of crone witches as we explore the Witch Trauma and meet the Goddess of Fire in the Witches Wisdom Tarot. 

Chosen Chief Druid Eimear Burke discusses the Auld Wan of Celtic mythology and explores stories of Crone, playfulness and power from her Celtic heritage. 

Nina Amir invites you to celebrate your Croneness and reminds you now is time to live the live that feeds your soul.  

Dr Cari Jackson shows us how to lead as if you've never been hurt so we can be more effective leaders in the world.

Discover the power of the ancient Mayan Quadripartite Goddess Ix Chel with Rosita Arvigo ND.

T. Kari Mitchell shares the 7 lifestyle practices that transformed her own life at age 62. 

Learn tools and practices so you can remember your own Crone sage wisdom with Peggy Black. 

Dive into what it means to embrace female elder wisdom in our transformational times with Christa Mackinnon. 

Michelle MacEwan invites you into your wild wisdom and how to walk a path of beauty exploring the wisdom passed from her Gaelic tradition and Northern European Shamanic wisdom.

Robin Tillotson will inspire you to adventure beyond your own limitations and be in community as you travel the world.

Learn how the Rite of the Womb is crucial for elder wise women to embody our creative power - with Marcela Lobos.

Learn how the Goddess Durga can help you express your rage and Roar Like a Goddess, with Acharya Shunya.

Reclaim Your Feminine Wisdom in your Crone years with Kris M. Steinnes.

Marla Durden invites you to embrace Play and Nature Intelligences as powerful and revolutionary ways to co-create changes we want to see in the world as Crones.

Dare to dance with the possibility that even at this age (!) you still can have it all, with Adrien Blackwell. 

And so much more ... over 30 sessions of powerful Wise Women! 

Be part of these essential conversations.  
Together we are strong, co-creating new possibilities for powerful healing - for ourselves and the world.

Join us in this Sacred Circle

Register now to celebrate our Sacred Circle of Elder Wise Women as we come together to share wisdom and stories. 

Sponsored by
Full Circle Women

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